We value your opinion. Kindly go through few important questions and share your views on it.

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1. In Your Clinical Practice, rate the prevalence of patients ranking Highest to Lowest among the followings - a) Neuropathy, b) Epilepsy, c) Stroke, d) Migraine e) Others.

2. In Epilepsy Management, your Choice of 1st line treatment in the preference of Highest to Lowest among the followings: a) Pheniytoin, b) Sodium Valproate, c) Levetiracetam, d) Any other.

3. In what % of Patients , you need more than 1 Anti-Epileptic medicine?

4. In uncontrolled patients of Epilepsy, what are your treatment choices?

5. What is your favorite Levetiracetam Brand & Strengths?

6. In Neuropathy pain, 1st line treatments is _____

7. What % of patients need a combination treatment in Neuropathic pain?

8. What is the right patient profile for Pregabaline+Duloxitine combination ?

9. How many such patients comes across to you in your clinical practice?

10. What duration you will continue this combination to your patients?