We value your opinion. Kindly go through few important questions and share your views on it.

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1. What percentage of T2DM patients with high CV risk comes to your clinic practice?

2. In your clinical opinion, how often do you check HbA1C after initiating Pharmacotherapy?

3. Where do you initiate the FDC of Dapagliflozin +Sitagliptin in the management of T2DM in your clinical practice?

4. At which HbA1C, do you start this FDC in your clinical practice?

5. In your clinical practice, what is the primary reason for T2DM patients coming for consultation?

6. In your clinical practice, on an average how much HbA1C reduction do you notice with Dapagliflozin + Sitagliptin combination?

7. In your opinion, to have most of the benefits of Dapagliflozin + Sitagliptin, when should it be ideally started in Management of T2DM?

8. What type of patients benefit more from this FDC in your clinical practice?

9. As per your clinical experience, what are the advantages of this FDC?

10. In your clinical practice, do you feel this FDC can address most of the problems in T2DM?